This section contains suggested billing codes for PuraPly AM, PuraPly XT, or PuraPly. These codes are provided for your information only. We always recommend that you check with your local carrier, Fiscal Intermediary (FI), Medicare Administrative Contractor (MAC), or other payer to verify coding and billing requirements.

Type of code/service renderedCodeDescription
PuraPlyQ4195PuraPly, 1 sq cm
PuraPly AMQ4196PuraPly AM, 1 sq cm
PuraPly XTQ4197PuraPly XT, 1 sq cm

HCPCS © 2020 American Medical Association. All Rights Reserved.

*These codes are provided for your information only. Use of these codes is not a guarantee of payment. You should select the most appropriate code for the procedure performed. Coding practice will vary by site of care, patient condition, range of services provided, local carrier instructions, and other factors. MAC has established specific policies for office claims, including payment for PuraPly AM, along with the professional service component. Coding requirements are subject to change at any time. Check with your local payer or call the PuraPly AM hotline at 1-888-HEAL-2-DAY (select option 3) if you require additional information.

Type of code/service renderedCodeDescription
Q4196636Drugs requiring detailed coding
15271-15278360Operating room services

CPT © 2020 American Medical Association. All Rights Reserved.

*These codes are provided for your information only. Use of these codes is not a guarantee of payment. You should select the most appropriate code for the procedure performed. Coding practice will vary by site of care, patient condition, range of services provided, local carrier instructions, and other factors. MAC has established specific policies for office claims, including payment for PuraPly AM, along with the professional service component. Coding requirements are subject to change at any time. Check with your local payer or call the PuraPly AM hotline at 1-888-HEAL-2-DAY (select option 3) if you require additional information.

15271Application of skin substitute graft to trunk, arms, legs, total wound surface area up to 100 sq cm; first 25 sq cm or less wound surface area
15272Application of skin substitute graft to trunk, arms, legs, total wound surface area up to 100 sq cm; each additional 25 sq cm wound surface area, or part thereof (list separately in addition to code for primary procedure)
15273Application of skin substitute graft to trunk, arms, legs, total wound surface area greater than or equal to 100 sq cm; first 100 sq cm wound surface area
15274Application of skin substitute graft to trunk, arms, legs, total wound surface area greater than or equal to 100 sq cm; each additional 100 sq cm wound surface area, or part thereof (list separately in addition to code for primary procedure)
15275Application of skin substitute graft to face, scalp, eyelids, mouth, neck, ears, orbits, genitalia, hands, feet, and/or multiple digits, total wound surface area up to 100 sq cm; first 25 sq cm or less wound surface area
15276Application of skin substitute graft to face, scalp, eyelids, mouth, neck, ears, orbits, genitalia, hands, feet, and/or multiple digits, total wound surface area up to 100 sq cm; each additional 25 sq cm wound surface area, or part thereof (list separately in addition to code for primary procedure)
15277Application of skin substitute graft to face, scalp, eyelids, mouth, neck, ears, orbits, genitalia, hands, feet, and/or multiple digits, total wound surface area greater than or equal to 100 sq cm; first 100 sq cm wound surface area
15278Application of skin substitute graft to face, scalp, eyelids, mouth, neck, ears, orbits, genitalia, hands, feet, and/or multiple digits, total wound surface area greater than or equal to 100 sq cm; each additional 100 sq cm wound surface area, or part thereof (list separately in addition to code for primary procedure)

CPT © 2020 American Medical Association. All Rights Reserved.

*These codes are provided for your information only. Use of these codes is not a guarantee of payment. You should select the most appropriate code for the procedure performed. Coding practice will vary by site of care, patient condition, range of services provided, local carrier instructions, and other factors. MAC has established specific policies for office claims, including payment for PuraPly and PuraPly AM, along with the professional service component. Coding requirements are subject to change at any time. Check with your local payer or call the PuraPly AM Reimbursement Hotline at 1-888-432-5232 (select option 3) if you require additional information.


Talk to an Organogenesis Tissue Regeneration Specialist about using PuraPly®AM and PuraPly®XT, the native ECM scaffold + broad-spectrum PHMB antimicrobial for next-level wound healing support.

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Please refer to the PuraPly AM Instructions for Use and PuraPly XT Instructions for Use for complete prescribing information.